Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Free Webinar on Squamous Cell Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

9:06 AM

With the explosion in new research on the form of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) called lung adenocarcinoma, those of you with squamous cell carcinoma, another form of NSCLC, may be feeling a little left out - like that feeling you had in grade school as teams drew sides and you were the last one left standing.

But that doesn't mean that nothing is new in the treatment realm for squamous cell lung cancer, and I'm thrilled that GRACE plus LUNGevity are hosting a Webinar to discuss this important type of lung cancer.

Led by Dr. David Spigel from the Sarah Cannon Cancer Center in Nashville, TN, this hour long session will address this type of lung cancer which affects 20 to 25% of people with NSCLC. Best of all you can listen at home, and it's free.

Some of the topics to be addressed include:

  • How does squamous cell lung cancer differ in terms of biology and behavior?
  • What are some of the new treatment strategies for this type of lung cancer?

The title: - Squamous Cell NSCLC: Growing Understanding and Expanding Treatment Options

The date: - Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The time: - 2 pm - 3 pm (Eastern standard time)

The cost: - FREE!

How to register: - Go to Webinar registration

06 Nov, 2013

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